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The Sisterhood Podcast

Mar 12, 2019

In today's episode, Tiffany and Allyson discuss whether obese people should purchase two tickets on an airplane, the importance of relaxing, sour cream pancakes, and as always, a spotlight of an inspiring woman.

News Story:

Passenger charges obese man $150 for taking up extra space on flight.

Main Topic:


Reva Cook Studio 5 Self Care

How Does Relaxation Help the Mind and Body

Rest, Relaxation, and Exercise

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

What does it mean to relax and should you?

Favorite Things:

Sour Cream Pancakes

Trader Joe’s Citrus Body Wash

Marco Polo

DNA test kit (Also, check out this link and this link and many others.)

B&B Under Water Oasis & Papaya Paradise Cove

Almond butter/apple/honey/cinnamon toast on Killer Dave’s bread

Inspiring Woman Spotlight:

Brittany Anne of “Choosing Joy” (you can find her on Instagram as brittanyanne278)