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The Sisterhood Podcast

Jun 16, 2020

Welcome to The Sisterhood Podcast, episode 89. The Pros and Cons of Introverts and Extroverts.  In today’s episode we will talk about the Tulsa Massacre, the pros and cons of introverts and extroverts, Oh Happy Danny Instagram account, and as always, we will spotlight an inspiring sister.  


News Story

Tulsa Race Massacre

Favorite Things

Oh Happy Dani

Bailey's Bites

Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist

Understanding Privilege You Tube Video

I’ll Walk With You book

Ulta Sponge Wedges

Main Topic

Susan Cain TED Talk The Power of Introverts

Introvert or Extrovert Test

The Difference and Why it Matters

Allyson's article and video on being an extrovert raising an introvert

Inspiring Sister

Sherry Chisholm