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The Sisterhood Podcast

Feb 23, 2022

Join Allyson and Tiffany in this week’s episode as they discuss the outpouring of love for Charlie Bird, the eternal marriage lesson we all want to hear, a weighted blanket, and share a spotlight of an inspiring sister.  

Current Event/News Story: 

The outpouring of love for Charlie Bird


Main Topic: 

February 27 lesson on Eternal Marriage

"Unmasking the Abuser" TedX talk

Signs of a toxic relationship

Signs of an abusive relationship


Favorite Things: 


1. NPR - How I built this podcast

2. Weighted blanket

3. Bloom app for self-therapy


1. Ally's Magical Morning playlist on Spotify

2. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult

3. Forcing bulbs in the winter (paperwhite and amaryllis) 


Inspiring Sister Spotlight:

Jane Manning